Monday, 31 March 2014

Very Short Stories

I went to my friends birthday party and it was paintball. It would of been smart if I remembered to buy some paintballs.

When I was cleaning my castle my mum said Storm come out and fix this now. I went outside and I see a dragon and I said Can I keep it?

Once upon a time there was a magical pig that flew across the sky. I said to that pig what made you fly and that pig said “A cannon”.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Small Chinese lesson

Answer these questions

How many Chinese characters are there altogether? 

Overall there are 50,000 Chinese characters.

How many characters does an educated person know?

A educated Chinese person will now about 8,000 character.

How old are Chinese characters?

Chinese symbols are 3,500 years old.

Why are some Chinese characters called pictographs?
They are called pictographs because they have evolved from time into modern symbols.

What 2 characters join together to make ‘good’?


What 2 characters join together to make ‘television’?

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Pictures with messages

   Photo 1: This photo represents that sometime you can be the odd one out but no matter what you are unique in your own way. You are special in your own kind of way which means if people make fun of you that means they are jealous of you.

Photo 2: If you don't believe then it's like a huge wave is just falling over you then you will drown in your sorrow. But if you believe then the water will just be kept a part all the way.

 Photo 3: Remember you don't have to try things you don't want to do. But when you do things like this then you could probably do it again with your friends.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Picture Mataphors

Photo 1: This either shows that a book can give you the full picture of the object or this shows you that a book is more detailed. A film can''t show you the full picture because cameras that you film with can't go underwater unless they are made for that.

Photo 2: This photo represents that someone is doing something that they have never tried before. So they could be doing something scary but they could be being brave for other people.

            Photo 3: This represents how complicated things can be for you. If you carry on doing something you are not supposed to do then your mind will end up like this. Full with mazes and a mess so you can't think straight about what you want.

Photo 4: This photo means that sometimes you can be the odd one out which means that you could probably be left out. But being the odd one out could mean that you are special in your own kind of way.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Facts and Opinion


You can tell an opinion apart from a fact because an opinion is something you guess not something you know and a fact is something you know about the thing or object.

3 facts:
1. Little frogs are tadpoles.
2. Frogs croak.
3. Frogs live in ponds.

3 Opinions:
1. Frogs can jump really high.
2. Frogs are really cute.
3. I think this frog is a boy.


Monday, 24 March 2014

SoundCloud Test

My Favourite Game

My favourite game is Black Ops 2 on Xbox.
The things you can do with this game are play alone or play online with your friends. You can party up with your friends so that means you don't have to play against them. There are a lot of game modes I will name one of them and explain it the game mode I am choosing to do is Team Death Match. 

 Team Death Match also remembered as TDM for short, the point of this game is well it explains in the name it's Team Death Match you are split into two different teams and you battle for roughly about 30 mins I think. At the end of the game the team with the most kills win.

The main features are levelling up, unlocking weapons and unlocking camos. You can even get gold camo for your guns.


Its about time you showed up! √
It was its first time out of the cage. √
Its feet were covered with sand. √
Get up, it's time for school. √
I’m glad to see you; Its been a long time. √
It's important to study hard for tests. √
The bear protected its cubs. √
It's my turn to go down the slide. √
The dog felt great with its new hair cut. √
It's too late to eat dinner. √
My car is old and its paint is peeling. √
The bird realised that the wind had blown its nest away. √
The game came to its conclusion. √
Turn down the music, it's hurting my ears. √

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Kia Kaha Lesson 1

1. What is bullying
-Power + Control
-To hurt our feelings or body

2. Types of bullying    

1-Verbal Bullying
2-Physical Bullying
3-Cyber Bullying
4-Relational Aggression Bullying
5-Sexual Bullying
6-Emotional Bullying
7-Disability Bullying
8-Gesture Bullying
9-Gay Bullying
10-Legal Bullying
11-Parental Bullying
12-Prison Bullying
13-School Bullying
14-Social Bullying
15-Sign Bullying
16-Humiliation Bullying

The airplane disaster

Write 10 questions about the airplane disaster which has been in the news lately.

1. What airline was the plane?                         Answer: The airline was Malaysia Airlines.

2. What flight number where they?                  Answer: The flight number was MH370.

3. What part of the ocean did the vanish in?    Answer: In the middle of the Indian Ocean.

4. What was the date it happened?                   Answer: March the 4th.

5. Where did it go missing?                             Answer: Over the Gulf of Thailand.

6. How many people where on board?            Answer: 329 people were on board.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Fines for not wearing life jackets

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
1. Mr Normen the owner of the Hawk's Bay harbour master and the group of 8 people
2. What was the key event from the news article?
2. Fines for not wearing life jackets.
3. Where did this event take place?
3. This event took place in Hawke's Bay.
4. When did this event take place?
4. March 11 2014.
5. Why did this event happen?
5. Because it was an attempt to promote safer boating.
6. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
6. Mr Norman insists that he does not want the safe record Hawke’s Bay has to be ruined by irresponsible behaviour.
7. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article.
7. Behaviour - The way which one acts or conducts. Safety - A quality of not causing injury. Record - List of events or actions.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Too and to

a) 1. Too is like saying also for example. I too went there with a friend (same as saying) I also went there with a friend.

2. To is a substitute for vary.

b) Do you want to come over to my house. We are going to win guys.
Are you coming too? I too like ice cream.

c) click here 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

How to puke in space

Pros         Cons
            1. You can get rid of your vomit.   1. If the bag turns inside out by accident.
            2. You won't feel sick anymore.     2. You might run out of bags.
            3. You can wipe your face with the bag. 3. You could forget to zip up the bag.

1. How to use the toilet in space.

2. How do you sleep in space.

3. How to cook food in space.

4. How to brush your teeth in space.

5. How to wash your hands in space.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Amazing Animals

The snake is consuming its prey. Whilst crushing it.

Cheetah sneaking up behind its prey. Swimming away with victory.

Monday, 10 March 2014

NFC tags

1. The give you instructions for you phone. They don't use batteries they get power from sitting next to another device. There's a whole set of different data types you can store on a NFC tag. As soon as you lock your phone then you can not unlock it only if you program it to. You can put an NFC tag on your car door and pound it and it will unlock your car. But it can not work on apple but it is soon going to be.

2. Something good about NFC tags are the wireless technology shops use to stop shoplifting.

3. If you are in a hurry you won't swipe it exactly on the NFC tag.

Sunday, 9 March 2014


1. The solders tried to take over there country and now there land.

2. Heni Tekaramu was an angel in Gate Pa

3. At the same time they were making dinner the solders were trying to take over there land

4. Heni was going to be a worrier in stead of watching the worriers 

5.Before the battle the ladies and kids were supposed to leave but Heni went to the mans face and said "No I am going to help"

6.At early dawn before the first shot was fired they were hosting a parer service

7.The shell that killed the two men got thrown into the cooking room and exploded.

8.The solders were laughing when they saw the potatoes exploding all over in the air.

9.Her fear was angered at the pakeha that laughed at it happening 

10.As soon as the many gun shots have been fired it started to rain that made the bombs not explode and just sludge around in the mud


Your and You're

1. Your and you're, these two words are both different but they get pronounced the same e.g ( Your book is on the table) (You're a good friend!) You're (you are).

2. When we are supposed to use your we have to check the sentence we want to put it in, so when we are talking about an object then we put in your e.g (Your book is on the dinner table). When we use you're we are talking about someone or something e.g (You're very good at art!).

3. Your friend is at the door.          Your bedroom is messy.          Your book is not here

You're very pretty.          You're really good at maths.          You're a bad person.

4. You're really good at maths but your friends are not.
Your friend can help you but you're ungrateful.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

12 Years a Slave

12 Years a Slave

12 Years a Slave looks like a great movie in the trailer. This film is a very emotional and moving video. This story is from a book and is based on a true story back in the 1800’s more about this story is, his name in Sullivan and he is a musician that plays violin, he has a family that loves him and cares about them and he does the same to them, after the show he gets kidnapped to become a slave for the white people. The white people back then were the people that were super rich and that had others work for them, the black people get treated really badly by them back then. They slapped them, whipped them, punched them and beton them. This is the third feature film directed by Steve McQueen. The video was written by John Ridley. Chiwetel Ejiofor stars as Solomon Northup. Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong'o, Sarah Paulson, Brad Pitt and Alfre Woodard are all featured in supporting roles. I suggest you should go see this movie and just think about it after the movie and say to yourself if you see this happening what could you do to change it. Click here

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

2014 Grammy Result's

1. Best movie picture is 12 Years a Slave

2. Best Actor in a leading role is Matthew McConaughey for (Dallas Buyers Club)

3. Best Actress in a leading role is Cate Blanchett for (Blue Jasmine)

4. Best Actor in a Supporting role is Jared Leto for (Dallas Buyers Club)

5. The Oscar trophy looks like a golden man standing still on a black platform holding a pole

6. Leonardo DiCaprio is perhaps most famous for not winning the Oscar he arguably deserves

7. The other nominees for best picture are American Hustle and Gravity

8. This is the best dressed I think at the 2014 Grammy's

Monday, 3 March 2014

Our conversations at camp and at home

1. A conversation between my parent and I when I first returned from camp.
Mum : Oh Storm my darling I have missed so much, I am so sorry I could not pick you up.

Me : Mum I have missed you to can we have Mac Donald's when you pick me up from Jack's.

2. A conversation between Miss C and me about Tech this week.

Me : What are the groups of Tech Miss Campbell. 

Miss C : I have sent an email to you.

Me : Are you sure because I can't find it.

Miss C : Try refresh your page now.

Me : Ok..... oh found it!

3. A conversation between me and a friend about the food at camp.

Me : Oh my gosh this food is so delicious don't you think to?

Friend : Yeah this food is so good even this chocolate cake.

Me : Yeah the chocolate cake is the best!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

6 good pointers for Ngamuahine camp!!

1. Remember never ever back chat Mr Hart in paintball, or he will find you and shoot you first.

2. Don't fool around when you are doing the postie's walk with Mrs Shepherd, or she will kick you off and you will have to sit out the whole thing.

3. Remember never ever fool around when you are in your dorms trying to sleep or you will have to sleep outside.

4. Always remember to communicate with your team mates in camp cook out.

5. Never fall over in the rabbit run!!!!

6. Remember never be afraid to give everything ago.