Thief 1: Oi bro we need to get home.
Thief 2: Yeah I know but how.
Thief 1: Aww yeah your car got taken from the police for drunk driving aye.
Thief 2: Yeahh it sucks so much!
Thief 1: Look down that drive way looks like a Honda.
Thief 2: Yeah but that is a grandma car.
Thief 1: So what we will still get home, a car is a car unless there is no gas
Thief 2: Ok then lets take it then.
Thief 1: Do know how to pop the door open?
Thief 2: Yeah I do, do you know how to hot wire?
Thief 1: Yup I learnt when I was 5 from my uncle.
Thief 2: Allgood.
Thief 1: This door is pretty hard to pop.
Thief 2: Hurry up we don't have all night!
Thief 1: Ok I got it! Now start wiring
Thief 2: Yup I will get right on it bro.
Thief 1: Hurry up gosh you take so long.
Thief 2: I am going as fast as I can!
Thief 1: Aww no the person is coming hurry!
Thief 2: Ok I got it!
Thief 1: I will drive.
Thief 2: No I want to drive!
Thief 1: Fine now let's go.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Find a NZ statistic on each of the following:
- obesity
Almost one in three adults (aged 15 years and over) were obese (31%), a further 34% were over weight.
- smoking
Around 5,000 people die each year in New Zealand because of smoking or second-hand smoke exposure. That’s 13 people a day.
- cancer
4,990 new diagrams and 2,029 deaths in Auckland
4,990 new diagrams and 2,029 deaths in Auckland
- exercise
Men aged 75 years and over are less likely to be physically active and more likely to be sedentary than those men under 75 years.
- computers
In the 2000, nearly half (47%) of households had a computer. This was an increase from 33% of households in 1997 and up from 10% of households in 1987.
1. The most popular subject that adults chose the most of is Maths.
2. One of the least picked subjects is Music.
3. The most popular subjects are Maths, English and P.E.
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
He is coming soon!
Next month my dad is coming all the way from South Africa to New Zealand. My brother and I are really exited that this time he gets to come over to NZ, instead of us going to South Africa. We are going to be doing lots of stuff when he arrives, some of the stuff we are going to do is Rainbows End, Mount Ruapehu and Swim a lot. He is going to spend 2 nights at our house, he is going to be saying for 2 weeks so we might as well make the most if it. We have to get up at 5:40 in the morning to go get him from the Auckland Airport, when we get home we probably won't be going to sleep we will be staying up until 7:00 or even the rest of the day.
Monday, 26 May 2014
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Miss Campbell's eye problem
Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. No rubbing your eye to get it worse. 1. Her eye could die.
2. Don't have to read. 2. Can't rub her eye.
3. Can scare your friends with the look of it. 3. Can sneeze or cough.
Miss C: I have a problem with my eye Doctor Mike.
Doctor Mike: What is that problem Wendy?
Miss C: I have a very bad eye problem.
Doctor Mike: May you please show me the problem Wendy?
Miss C: Yes sure no problem.
Doctor Mike: Ok this is when a very small blood vessel breaks underneath the conjunctiva.
Miss C: What is the conjunctiva?
Doctor Mike: The conjunctiva is a clear tissue covering the white part of the eye.
Miss C: Oh ok, what are some of the causes of this?
Doctor Mike: This can be caused by rubbing the eye or something hitting it. It can also be caused by strong coughing, sneezing, vomiting, stressful bowel movements.
Miss C: Well I have been coughing a lot lately.
Doctor Mike: Yes that is probably the cause of this eye problem.
Miss C: What can I do to get rid of this problem.
Doctor Mike: Well there is no treatment besides artificial tears to make the eye comfortable.
Miss C: Is there anything else I need to do?
Doctor Mike: Yes there is you need to avoid any heavy exertion and try not to rub the eye for several days.
Miss C: How long until it will clear up?
Doctor Mike: The hemorrhage will slowly clear over several weeks.
Miss C: Thank you for helping me with my problem Doctor Mike.
Doctor Mike: No problem!
2. Don't have to read. 2. Can't rub her eye.
3. Can scare your friends with the look of it. 3. Can sneeze or cough.
Miss C: I have a problem with my eye Doctor Mike.
Doctor Mike: What is that problem Wendy?
Miss C: I have a very bad eye problem.
Doctor Mike: May you please show me the problem Wendy?
Miss C: Yes sure no problem.
Doctor Mike: Ok this is when a very small blood vessel breaks underneath the conjunctiva.
Miss C: What is the conjunctiva?
Doctor Mike: The conjunctiva is a clear tissue covering the white part of the eye.
Miss C: Oh ok, what are some of the causes of this?
Doctor Mike: This can be caused by rubbing the eye or something hitting it. It can also be caused by strong coughing, sneezing, vomiting, stressful bowel movements.
Miss C: Well I have been coughing a lot lately.
Doctor Mike: Yes that is probably the cause of this eye problem.
Miss C: What can I do to get rid of this problem.
Doctor Mike: Well there is no treatment besides artificial tears to make the eye comfortable.
Miss C: Is there anything else I need to do?
Doctor Mike: Yes there is you need to avoid any heavy exertion and try not to rub the eye for several days.
Miss C: How long until it will clear up?
Doctor Mike: The hemorrhage will slowly clear over several weeks.
Miss C: Thank you for helping me with my problem Doctor Mike.
Doctor Mike: No problem!
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
202 word story
19th May 2014,
Tomorrow is the first day of school, I am nervous and afraid. I feel like everyone will hate me, I close my eyes about to go to sleep and think what could possibly go wrong? It is the next day and I see my mother is standing by my bed and saying “Wake up”, I groan not wanting to get up out of bed. But instead she pulls me out of it, I stay groaning and moaning on the floor, she says “Get up you can’t sleep forever” I reply saying “I could if I wanted to”.
About 30 minutes later I have got into my school uniform, it felt real weird being back into the old school routine. My mum and I get into the car and drive to school, I arrived just in time before the bell rang, I walk to class and opened my desk and received a love note.
I was wondering who would give me a love note beside myself? I go to food tech I was still wondering who would do such a thing. We got told to make pasta and I found out that in the book there was a significant mistake.
A. The answer is C. Yes it is fair as both players have an even chance to win. They both have a 1 in 18 chance to win.
B. No it is not fair as player 2 has more chance to win than player 1 as there is a total of 10 even sums and 4 odd sums.
Game A:
| |
Player 1 wins | 32 | 64% |
Player 2 wins | 18 |
My results suggest that Game A is fair. Because there is a 1 in 18 chance for Player 1 and Player 2.
Game B:
| |
Player 1 wins | 15 | 30% |
Player 2 wins | 35 |
My results suggest that Game B isn't fair. Because there are 10 even sums and there are 4 odd sums.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Knife Walk
Knife Walk
You will need knife and a bobby pin.
Step 1: Turn your knife so the blade is facing up.
Step 2: Then take your bobby pin and stretch it 1cm apart.
Step 3: Now take your knife and turn it so the flat side is facing up then squeeze it tight.
Step 4: Then take your bobby pin and place it on your knife and observe.
As you can see the bobby pin walks along the knife. The reason is when you are holding it tight it detects the littlest movements and your muscles never stop moving even when you are sleeping.
Mary Anning
A. British.
Q. What nationality is the google person of the day?
A. May 21, 1799.
Q. When was Marry Anning born?
A. March 9, 1847.
Q. When did Marry Anning die?
A. She was a British fossil collector.
Q. What did Marry Anning do for a job?
A. Most important finds.
Q. What was Marry Anning world known for?
A. Everyone thought her life story was interesting.
Q. When Marry Anning died what happened?
A. Trey.
Q. What was Marry Anning dogs name?
A. Richard Anning, Mary Moore.
Q. Who were her parents?
A. 47
Q. How old was Marry Anning
A. Breast Cancer
Q. How did Marry Anning die?
Q. What nationality is the google person of the day?
A. May 21, 1799.
Q. When was Marry Anning born?
A. March 9, 1847.
Q. When did Marry Anning die?
A. She was a British fossil collector.
Q. What did Marry Anning do for a job?
A. Most important finds.
Q. What was Marry Anning world known for?
A. Everyone thought her life story was interesting.
Q. When Marry Anning died what happened?
A. Trey.
Q. What was Marry Anning dogs name?
A. Richard Anning, Mary Moore.
Q. Who were her parents?
A. 47
Q. How old was Marry Anning
A. Breast Cancer
Q. How did Marry Anning die?
Monday, 19 May 2014
Multiplying Fractions
How to multiply fractions.
Step 1: Get your equation e.g 5/6 X 2/4
Step 2: Take 5/6 and split them into 5 and 6
Step 3: Then take 2/4 and split them into 2 and 4
Step 4: Times the first two numbers of the fractions together 5 X 2 = 10
Step 5: Then times the second two numbers of the fractions together 6 X 4 = 24
Step 6: Now take your two answers and put them together as a fraction 10/24
Step 7: Simplify your answer so in this case it is 5/12
Step 7: Simplify your answer so in this case it is 5/12
How to play.
To play this fun game you have to know your places. A little tip is that you can try and look at the sign to see where you are. I don't know how to win the game because I don't know my places so I am going to have to play more. My opinion is that this game is pretty hard, if you get 100% you are very smart. Another tip is that you can look at the land scape e.g if your picture is in he desert you can look at the map and see what countries have deserts.
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Our school selfie
As you can tell this is a photo of the best school in the world T.I.S. There is a young man called Brando Yelavich he is walking around the whole coast of NZ for the charity Ronald McDonald.
Click here for photo
Click here for photo
Thursday, 15 May 2014
10 Answers & 10 Questions
Q. What country was Maria Gaetana Agnesi born?
A. Italy.
Q. What was Maria Gaetana Agnesi credited for?
A. Maria Gaetana Agnesi was credited for writing the first book.
Q. What 2 things was Maria Gaetana Agnesi good at?
A. Maths and Philosophy.
Q. When did Maria Gaetana Agnesi die?
A. January 9, 1799.
Q. When was Maria Gaetana Agnesi born?
A. May 16, 1718.
Q. What University did Maria Gaetana Agnesi go to?
A. University of Bolonga.
Q. What did Maria Gaetana Agnesi dedicate the last 4 years of her life to?
A. Studying theology.
Q. Who was her sister?
A. Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini
Q. What was Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini?
A. A composer.
Q. What did Maria Gaetana Agnesi set up?
A. Maria Gaetana Agnesi set up a hospital.
A. Italy.
Q. What was Maria Gaetana Agnesi credited for?
A. Maria Gaetana Agnesi was credited for writing the first book.
Q. What 2 things was Maria Gaetana Agnesi good at?
A. Maths and Philosophy.
Q. When did Maria Gaetana Agnesi die?
A. January 9, 1799.
Q. When was Maria Gaetana Agnesi born?
A. May 16, 1718.
Q. What University did Maria Gaetana Agnesi go to?
A. University of Bolonga.
Q. What did Maria Gaetana Agnesi dedicate the last 4 years of her life to?
A. Studying theology.
Q. Who was her sister?
A. Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini
Q. What was Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini?
A. A composer.
Q. What did Maria Gaetana Agnesi set up?
A. Maria Gaetana Agnesi set up a hospital.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
The Monty Hall problem is a problem about probability. This was pretty easy to find out. The results say that swapping you would win and not swapping you might or might not get the prize. This is true, if you swap it is 66% chance that you would get the prize from swapping and if you didn't it would be 33% chance that you won't won't get the prize.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Find the Questions
A. stellar
Q. What reputation has the fourth tailed dronga gained? √
A. 25%
Q. How much percent of the time does the forth tailed drongo trick? √
A. 50
Q. How much imitations does the fourth tailed drongo do? √
A. shaped like a fork
Q. What is the drongo's tail shaped like? √
A. mimicry
Q. What does mimicry mean? It meansThe fourth tailed drongo's are the first ones known to be smart enough to use it to their advantage and even change the 'tune' if the first one fails to work. √
A. to obtain another animal’s food
Q. Why does the fourth tailed drongo use a wolf cry? √
A. the animal with food hears an alarm call from its friends, drops the food and runs.
Q. What happens when a animal uses a alarm call? √
A. ruse
Q. What is another word for trick? √
A. Pied babblers, sociable weavers and even mammals like meercats!
Q. What animals do they steal from? √
A. hawks and eagles
Q. What do thee drongo's stand up to? √
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Kia Kaha
What are the characteristics of a bully?
Characteristics are being mean
What are the characteristics of a victim?
Characteristics are being
not safe
Around 10% of students report having experienced internet bullying in the past year.
Wiki Game
Wiki Game
How to play:
To play the wiki game you really have to think quickly. To start it gives you a topic on what you are doing. Then it gives you a goal that you have to find, So lets say I got the word Japan then it puts me on a wiki page with blue words that are links. You have to click on those links to try and find the topic Japan. When you find the topic Japan you win the wiki game I think because I have never won the game before. You have to try and get less clicks on links. If it takes me 10 clicks to get the topic that means you could come third or fourth, but if you get three or two clicks you will come first or second.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Estuary instructions
Estuary run
Dear year 7's I am going to be giving you a list of instructions on how to be fast around the Estuary course.
Step 1: Pick a speed you are going to stay with the whole run.
Step 2: While you run you must breath heavily threw your nose and out your mouth.
Step 3: If you are starting to get tired don't stop because if you know you can run further give it a try.
Step 4: If you are really tired stop once or twice to catch your breath.
The Estuary run is a long run that you should be fit for so try go as far as you can. It is a really long run so I suggest that drink a lot of water before you go. The course goes from Tauranga Intermediate all the way down to Burrows St back up to Tauranga Intermediate.
Make sure you have shoes to protect your feet from glass and sticks. Also when you cross the road don't forget to look left and right so you don't get hit by a car.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Click Cards
This year there is a new system for the whole school. You get something called Stars Click Cards. There are 40 clicks per card, the way how you get a click is for good behaviour around the class. There is another system if you puck up a lot of rubbish you get a stars card and if you get picked out of the box at hui or assembly you either get a bike or a Burger King $2 voucher.
But if you are bad you get a warning, if you are told again you will get your name up on the board, if you get told again that means you get a cross next to your name. If you do something real bad you have to go to Mrs Mills and fill out a stars sheet and give it to your parents. If you finish a whole stars card that means you are getting a band, if you fill out three whole stars cards you get three bands and then you get a stars badge.
But if you are bad you get a warning, if you are told again you will get your name up on the board, if you get told again that means you get a cross next to your name. If you do something real bad you have to go to Mrs Mills and fill out a stars sheet and give it to your parents. If you finish a whole stars card that means you are getting a band, if you fill out three whole stars cards you get three bands and then you get a stars badge.
Monday, 5 May 2014
Sunday, 4 May 2014
3 Answers 3 Questions
1. Answer - Slug gun shooting. Question - What did I use to shoot targets with at Cody's birthday? X
2. Answer - Motor bike. Question - My favorite thing driving around the farm on a race track was? √
3. Answer - Cody's party. Question - Who's party did I go to on the holidays? √
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